Our Favorite Library Moments of 2018

Our library staff love what they do and when asked to name their favorite Library Moments of 2018, they came back with quite a few!  Here is a glimpse of some of YCL’s top memories of the year: 

Celebrating our Award-Winning Libraries and Staff

2018 proved to be an exciting year of recognition for York County Libraries!   

Guthrie Memorial Library received The 2018 Positive Impact Award from the Hanover Chamber of Commerce.

Martin Library  was named Library of the Year at the The Pennsylvania Library Association (PALA) annual conference.  The library is the first in Pennsylvania to receive this statewide award. 

YCL Youth Services Director Paula Gilbert received PALA’s highest professional laurel – the Distinguished Service Award – for exceptional meritorious service to libraries. 

The following libraries received PA Forward Star Library recognition: 

Gold StarGold Star 

Congratulations to Martin Library and Guthrie Memorial Library for becoming Gold Star Libraries!!  

5 Silver Stars

Collinsville Community Library and Paul Smith Library are just 1 step a way from Gold! Congrats!


A New Home for A LibraryRed Land Community Library

When the new shoppping center owner needed Red Land Community Library’s space for another business, the library relocated to another location within the Newberry Commons Shopping Center.  They love their new space at 70 Newberry Commons which is close in proximity to Subway and Rite Aid Corporate Offices.  Even though their old-location – a former steakhouse turned library – was only across the parking lot, many community members are finding them for the first-time in this more visable spot.  


Instilling a Love of Learning, Libraries & Literacy

Kreutz Creek Library Assistant Judy Pena says that 1000 Books Before Kindergarten was the highlight of her year.  “It has been amazing assisting the ‘little ones’ with their passports and taking photos of their achievement levels,” says Judy.  “And, if the # of ‘reactions to’ and ‘shares of’ our posted Facebook photos are any indication of how invested parents are in the program, we Pete the Cat Partyshould be very proud of the program’s success!”

Paul Smith Library’s Youth Services Coordinator Katie Forster says that she expected her Pete the Cat Party to be a small event:  Pete the Cat stories, cupcakes, crafts and our special guest, Pete the Cat. Twenty minutes before the event was scheduled to start, our children’s area was already full. Months later people still come into the library and mention how they enjoyed the party.



Working Together 

DillsburgDillsburg Area Public Library Director Keith Greenawalt’s favorite memory is Give Local York.  “I got to work with some awesome northern Miss NancyYork County nonprofits, including our friends from Red Land Community Library, to put on a day long series of events throughout Dillsburg. The Dillsburg team did awesome that day!”  

Collectively, over 200 York County nonprofit organizations raised nearly 1.5 million in support of their community-centric mission.  Our libraries countywide participated…hosting a variety of activities – raising nearly 45,000.  Thank you to all who supported YCL! 

P.S.  This is just a few of our staff favorites!  Look for more favorite memories next week!