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Celebrating 50 Years 1974—2024

McKinley Presents Key



Fifty years ago, on February 13, 1974, the York County Commissioners created the York County Library System to collectively strengthen the community’s access to library service. Fast forward to 2024, and our libraries continue to dynamically work together to provide the resources our residents need today: technology, connectivity, educational programs, and life-transforming opportunities.

As we salute the legacy of our past 50 years, we celebrate our staff for their dedication and innovation. We celebrate our members for their curiosity and thirst for reading and learning. We celebrate our donors, local businesses, and government officials for their support and foresight in understanding the library’s crucial role in fostering an enlightened, educated, and empowered community.

Evolving to meet the needs of York Countians

The library experience has certainly changed over the years. We’ve expanded far beyond being a depository where people come to borrow print books. Our programs morphed from the traditional offering of story times to include educational STEAM programs, author visits, and so much more.  The individual card catalogs at each library location merged into one centralized online catalog system.

Some of our locations had very humble beginnings, including a bread truck and double-wide FEMA trailer. Throughout our 50 years, we have been embraced by communities that love and depend on their local libraries. This unwavering community support has helped us grow our libraries into the vibrant facilities they are today; reimagined spaces for children, teens, and adults to gather and learn.

Pictured at Top

On September 18, 1980, York County President Commissioner William C. McKinley (left) presents the key to a restored county farmhouse to York County Library System Board President Dr. Ed Miller. Over 200 residents and library staff members attended the open house celebration for the library system’s new headquarters.

Explore our Past

To commemorate our Golden Anniversary, we’ve created a virtual scrapbook highlighting achievements and memories over the last 50 years. Please flip through the digital scrapbook below.  We will be adding pages throughout the year, so be sure to come back to see more!

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