Featured Artist: Carol Williams

The featured artist at the Dillsburg Area Public Library for September and October 2024 is Carol Williams. Art Wall Coordinator Shelby Pizzarro recently caught up with Carol. 

What is the source of your inspiration?

Nature trails, streams, hills, valleys from my “free range” childhood in rural central Pa. I photographed all of that and have carried those images and memories with me. I was a photographer before I was a painter. While I have no formal art education, I have visited many museums in this country, as well as Europe and Japan, which have also influenced my art.

How would you describe your art?

I would describe my art as primarily non-representational, but it is occasionally abstract. It is also full of color and sometimes incorporates collage elements.

What do you enjoy most about creating new art?

I particularly like the mystery of painting, the not-knowing where a particular work is going, trusting the process to reveal the direction.

How do you start new work? Is your process always the same? If not, how does it change?

I generally start with mark-making with charcoal and pencils. Then I add color to define the shapes and textures as I build up layers.

Do you have a favorite medium? Has your preference changed over the years?

I started painting in oils in my teens, moved to watercolor for several years, then began collage using acrylic and inks. I briefly tried oil and cold wax, but now primarily my work is in acrylic. I like the quick drying time, as well as the easy clean up.

Do you ever experience a creative block? If so, how do you rejuvenate your creativity?

I have a couple of approaches to creative blocks—I look at my earlier paintings, go to exhibits, read my art books, and take walks. I also look at works of other artists for  inspiration. And sometimes I start something entirely different. I can’t always tell which of these has broken the creative block; it appears to be a combination of them.

Do you have a favorite/inspirational quote?

From Richard Diebenkorn: “Attempt what is not certain. Certainty may or may not come later. It may then be a valuable delusion.”

If someone is interested in your work, how can they reach you?

Carol Williams
[email protected]

About Dillsburg Area Public Library

The Dillsburg Area Public Library is located at 204 Mumper Lane in Dillsburg, PA. Come see Carol’s work during the library’s open hours!
Mon-Thurs 10m-8pm
Fri 10am-3pm
Sat 10am-5pm