Can’t find an item?

If you can’t find it in our catalog, we’ll try to get it for you!

Please fill out the below request form to suggest a purchase or request an InterLibrary Loan.

New titles will be purchased when appropriate for the collection according to our collection development policy. Otherwise, we will attempt to borrow the item from other libraries outside of York County via InterLibrary Loan.*

*Members in good standing and with no outstanding fines are permitted to have a maximum of two active requests. Suggested purchases will be added to a queue for consideration, which is processed as time permits. We will contact you when items are ready for pickup. There will be a $5 fee assessed for failing to pick up an item. Overdue fines are $1 per day per item. Members are responsible for the cost of damaged or lost InterLibrary Loan items; the cost is determined by the lending library, with a minimum charge of $25 for lost items. 

Please contact your library if you need to cancel your request.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions about requesting an InterLibrary Loan!